Marley is compatible with the Gutenberg editor, and we want to show you everything it can do! You’ll be able to edit colors and font sizes; add buttons, quotes, and so much more. Note that to enable full-width and wide-width content, you’ll need to select the layout without a sidebar. We also made sure that your experience is the same on the blog as on the editor, so the colors and fonts you pick will transfer over to the editor for a smooth experience.

This is a cover block
It works great at the top of a page. Add more important information down here! This is great to catch your reader’s attention.
These are Various theme elements
Heading H1
Heading H2
Heading H3
Heading H4
Heading H5
Heading H6
Add a simple paragraph.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque mollis tempus ligula ut pulvinar. Morbi auctor magna ac molestie sollicitudin. Maecenas ut ligula rhoncus, vulputate eros nec, ultricies nulla. In ac pulvinar metus. Etiam aliquam, libero non posuere molestie, nisi ligula sagittis mi, quis pulvinar felis ligula ultricies velit. Praesent vestibulum, dolor ut congue elementum, dolor velit blandit nulla, sollicitudin ultrices leo purus et neque.
This is a gallery block
You can use the gallery either in standard width, wide width, or full width. You can also add more images if you wish to! This block is great for adding a lot of images to your blog at once. (Friendly tip: use the “rounded” style on images to give them those rounded corners that fit with the rest of the theme!)

This is a column Block
You can use columns to build all kinds of layouts within the Gutenberg editor. They are great when you want to organize your content horizontally. Don’t hesitate to pop images in there as well as use background colors to make it stand out!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce commodo ornare purus id faucibus. Aenean porttitor et urna sit amet ornare. Maecenas sem dolor, placerat cursus fermentum vitae, porta id metus. Nulla lacinia dolor ac ullamcorper pretium. Maecenas feugiat purus nec nunc dictum consectetur.
Cras pretium et elit sed lacinia. Mauris fermentum leo nisl, non sagittis metus fermentum nec. Aliquam hendrerit velit non orci finibus, pretium dapibus sem volutpat. Quisque hendrerit leo in nunc facilisis, vel consequat tellus porta.
Vestibulum a nunc arcu. Proin molestie ac dui vitae dictum. Pellentesque in placerat dolor, pellentesque ullamcorper ipsum.
Etiam ut malesuada leo. Duis dignissim sapien sit amet risus fringilla, sit amet faucibus sapien fringilla.
This is the latest posts block
Want to feature your posts somewhere else other than your blog? You can definitely do that! Use the “Query Loop” block to build the perfect feed for your posts.
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